
This competitive award is campus-wide and recognizes the most promising pre-tenure faculty at Indiana University. Jennifer graduated from the UC Berkeley Political Science Ph.D. program in 2010 and has been an Assistant Professor at Indiana University since that time. More information found here:…

APSA Award Winners 2015: Qualitative and Multi-Method Research Honorable Mention: Katherine Michel and Christopher Krogslund, " Can QCA Do Causal Inference" Best Graduate Student Poster in Law and Courts, APSA 2015: Ryan Hubert and James Hicks JSP, co-author 2015 Paul J. Weber Best Paper Award from the APSA Religion & Politics Section 2015 Best Graduate Student Paper Award from the ISA Religion and International Relations...

Professor Thad Dunning has received the David Collier Mid-Career Achievement Award. This award honors David Collier’s contributions-through his research, graduate teaching, and institution-building-as a founder of the qualitative and multi-method research movement in contemporary political science. The award is presented annually to a mid-career political scientist to recognize distinction in methodological publications, innovative application of qualitative and multi-method approaches in substantive research, and/or institutional contributions...

Professor Jasjeet Sekhon, along with graduate students David Broockman and Joshua Kalla, won a Signatures Innovation Rellowhsip for their work, "Platform for Design, Implementation, and Analysis of Randomized Field Experiments, with Applications to Political Persuasion". The Sigantures Innovation Fellows Program supports innovative research by UC Berkeley faculty and researchers in the data science and software areas with a special focus on projects that hold commercial...