
Professor Kinch Hoekstra will give the 2018 Benedict Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy at Boston University. This is the preeminent lecture series in the subject in the US and adds to his already distinguished reputation in the field. Last year Kinch delivered the Carlyle Lectures in the History of Political Thought at Oxford University, the preeminent lecture series in the subject in the...

Jelena McWilliams, who earned a B.A. with highest honors in political science and mass communications from UC Berkeley in 1999, has been tapped by President Trump to lead FDIC. Full story here.

Professor Wendy Brown's book, ' Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution', has been chosen as the winner of the 2017 David and Elaine Spitz Prize for best book in liberal and/or democratic theory. More inforamtion on the Spitz Proze can be found here.