
Professor Kevin O'Brien will be recognized with the John and Vivian Sabel Award by the Center for China-US Cooperation and the Journal of Contemporary China on May 2, 2018. Professor O'Brien and Alumnus Rongbin Han authored "Path to Democracy? Assessing Village Elections in China" in 2009. Their work is being recognized as the most impactful on the field over the past 10 years. More information...

Professor Eric Schickler draws upon his book, ' Racial Realignment: The Transformation of American Liberalism, 1932-1965', for Vox's The Big Idea, which publishes outside contributors' opinions and analysis of the most important issues in politics, science, and culture. The article, ' Debunking the myth that “identity politics” is bad for the Democratic Party' can be found here.

Undergraduate political science major Yvonne Dorantes has been selected for the Mather Good Citizen Award which will be presented at a ceremony on April 30th. Congratulations to Yvonne on this well-deserved honor. Click here for more information on the Chancellor's Awards for Public Service.

Kinch Hoekstra is the recipient of a 2018 Excellence in Teaching Award from Phi Beta Kappa. The Northern California Association of Phi Beta Kappa selects outstanding teachers from among those faculty members who are nominated by students at the eight Phi Beta Kappa institutions in Northern California.

Travers Department of Political Science undergraduate students Angelo Dagonel and Mazelle Etessami were each named as Charles H. Percy Undergraduate Grant for Public Affairs Research Recipients. Dagonel's project focused on E-Verify and Unauthorized Labor Force Participation, while Etessami's was An Exploration of the Motivations and Mechanisms Behind Non-identity Activism. More information on the Charles H. Percy Undergraduate Grant for Public Affairs can be found here...