Jennifer Bussell
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley. I study comparative politics with an emphasis on the political economy of development, democratic representation, and governance outcomes, principally in South Asia and Africa. My newest book, Clients and Constituents: Political Responsiveness in Patronage Democracies (Modern South Asia Series, Oxford University Press), considers the provision of constituency service by high-level elected officials in India and elsewhere, using elite and citizen surveys, interviews, qualitative shadowing, and experiments to explore the implications of citizen-state relations for public service delivery. My first book, Corruption and Reform in India: Public Services in the Digital Age (Cambridge University Press) examines the role of corrupt practices in shaping government adoption of information technology across sub-national regions and is based on fieldwork in sixteen Indian states, as well as parts of South Africa and Brazil. I also study the politics of natural disasters in developing countries and the incentives of governments to invest in preparedness. I received my Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Berkeley and prior to returning to Berkeley taught in the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, Austin.
Clients and Constituents: Political Responsiveness in Patronage Democracies
(2019, Modern South Asia Series, Oxford University Press)
Corruption and Reform in India: Public Services in the Digital Age
(2012, Cambridge University Press)
"When Do Middlemen Matter? Experimental Evidence on Corruption in India," 2018, Governance, 31: 465 – 480.
“eGovernment and Corruption in the States: Can Technology Serve the Aam Aadmi?” 2012.
Economic and Political Weekly, XLVII(25): 77-85.
“Explaining Cross-National Variation in Government Adoption of New Technologies.” 2011.
International Studies Quarterly, 55(1): 267-280.
“Why Get Technical? Corruption and the Politics of Public Service Reform in the Indian States.”
2010. Comparative Political Studies, 43(10): 1230-1257.
“Will Information Technology Reshape the North-South Asymmetry of Power in the Global
Political Economy?” 2005. Studies in Comparative International Development, 40 (2): 62-
284 (co-authored with Steven Weber)
“Will the Digital Revolution Revolutionize Development? Drawing Together the Debate.” 2005.
Studies in Comparative International Development, 40 (2): 95-110 (co-authored with
Taylor Boas and Thad Dunning)