"The Popular courts in Athenian Democracy" https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/719417
Media interviews of Professor Steve Fish, on the continuing situation in Ukraine and Russia. BBC World News: https://polisci.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/2022-09/BBC_World_News-2022-09-22_05-05-22.mp4%20%20steve%20fish_0.mp4 KRON 4: War in the Ukraine, https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=O1O_huP4lSw
We are pleased to share that PhD candidate Tara Chandra has been awarded a Peace Scholar Fellowship from the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) for her outstanding dissertation “Untangling Dynamics in Civil Conflict: Explaining Insurgent Behavior Toward Civilians.” The Peace Scholar Fellowship Program is a key initiative reflecting USIP’s commitment to promote research in support of their congressional mandate to help prevent, mitigate, and resolve...
We wanted to share some recent news features of Professor Steve Fish speaking with local and international news outlets. He was features on the BBC and our local Fox station, KTVU 2. BBC- War in the Ukraine BBC- Guest Clip KTVU- Rep. Liz Cheney's Loss and the State of the Republican Party
We're thrilled to celebrate Professor Gabe Lenz and graduate student Alia Braley's win of the Stanford's Strengthening Democracy Challenge. They, along with their team members Dhaval Adjodah, Hossien Rahnama, and Ales Pentland, came in first place in the completion in lowering anti-democratic attitudes in a massive online experiment. You can learn more about their work called "Correcting Overestimates of Opposing Partisans' Willingness to Break Democratic...
Professor Cecilia Mo's study, "Civilian national service programs can powerfully increase youth voter turnout" received coverage in the academic journal, Science. The study was also co-authored with alumnus, Elizabeth Mitchell Elder. To read the article in Science, click on https://www.science.org/content/article/u-s-teacher-training-program-boosts-voting-among-young-adults. You can read the full study at https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2122996119.
We are excited to share the publication of Professor David Collier latest book Critical Junctures and Historical Legacies. It is an enormous accomplishment each time our faculty finish a book and have it publish so we are thrilled to share this news with our community. The reaction has been that this book will define a whole field of inquiry. The author hopes the book will...
It is with great pleasure we share that Assistant Professors Brutger and Jagmohan have been selected as recipients of the prestigious Hellman Fellowship. The Hellman Fellowship was established by Mr. F. Warren Hellman, a distinguished alumnus and friend of Cal, and his late wife Chris Hellman to support early-career faculty who have shown evidence of their promise for distinction in research. Professor Brutger has received...
Please join us in congratulating graduate students Julia Raven and Oren Samet in being awarded the UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation Dissertation Fellowship. Julia received the fellowship for her proposal entitled “Constrained Militaries: The durability of colonial military institutions” and Oren received it for his proposal entitled “Challenging Autocrats Abroad: Opposition Parties on the International Stage.” The award comes with $25,000 to put...
Political Science alumnus David Teplitz made history at UC Berkeley last week. He is one of the first non speaking autistic students to graduate from Cal. For more about his story, click here to see KGO ABC7's news story.