Emeritus Professor George Breslauer published THE RISE AND DEMISE OF WORLD COMMUNISM (Oxford University Press) in Fall 2021. It is a macro-political synthesis and reinterpretation of the evolution of communist regimes, their interactions with others in the "world communist movement," and their relations with the capitalist powers. It brings to bear theoretical perspectives drawn from both comparative politics and international relations literatures.
Professor Sarah Anzia published a new book, Local Interests: Politics, Policy, and Interest Groups in US City Governments with University of Chicago Press, 2022.
Martha Wilfahrt's book, Precolonial Legacies in Postcolonial Politics (Cambridge 2021) wins the 2022 Allan Sharlin Memorial Book Award from the Social Science History Association and also received honorable mention for the Giovanni Sartori Best Book Award from the QMMR section last year.
Topic: America’s hoped-for Asian semiconductor pact looks tricky https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:2caac03e-3621-3f47-a683-48a5fe9f8c0d
We are excited to announce that Professor Vinod Aggarwal, and three Berkeley graduate students ( Alumni; Andrew Reddie; Seungjoo Lee; Current Margaret Kenney) have been featured in special issue of Global Asia: https://www.globalasia.org/latest-issue.php
We're excited to share that Professor Aila Matanock is a recipient of The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation 2023 Distinguished Scholars award. https://www.hfg.org/2023-distinguished-scholars/
We are excited to share the publication of Professor Jack Citrin's latest book Immigration in the court of public opinion. It is an enormous accomplishment each time our faculty finish a book and have it published, we are thrilled to share this news with our community.
We're please to share this article from the Berkeley News interviewing Professor Cecilia Hyunjung Mo discussing in part why male backlash against democracy is not surprising. To read the full article, follow this link https://news.berkeley.edu/2022/11/18/cecilia-hyunjung-mo-the-male-backlash-against-democracy-is-no-surprise/?utm_source=Berkeleyan&utm_campaign=0acd1a4e7f-berkeleyan&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_99ee3800d7-0acd1a4e7f-389135764.
In late September, the Carter Center hosted the Seventh Annual Young Scholars Forum on U.S.-China Relations. First hosted by the Carter Center and its partners at Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2014, the forum invites young scholars including doctoral candidates and assistant professors to present their research on U.S.-China relations and Chinese foreign policy. We are pleased to share that our PhD candidate, Philip Rogers (along...
"Kratos and Other Forms of Power in the Two Constitutions of the Athenians" https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/719417