Please join us in congratulating UC Berkeley Gardner Fellow, Nick Shafer, for being awarded a Marshall Scholarship. The Marshall Scholarship is one of the most selective graduate scholarships in America—with only about a 4% acceptance rate. The Marshall Scholarship pays for recipients to pursue a graduate degree at any university in the United Kingdom. Nick will use it to pursue a MSc in Modern Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Oxford and a MA in Governance Development and Public Policy from the University of Sussex. The Marshall Scholarship, along with the Gardner Fellowship, will help Nick deepen his knowledge and understanding of the region, preparing him for a public service career in international relations and diplomacy. Nick is extremely grateful to the Gardner Fellowship alumni who helped him with his Fellowship placement at USAID and who have been a sounding board as he applied for the Marshall Scholarship. Upon hearing the news, Gardner Fellow Romi Bhatia cheered: “Nick is already doing great things and will only soar higher. The Gardner fellowship family is quite proud!"