Samuel Garrett Zeitlin
Samuel Garrett Zeitlin studies and teaches political philosophy, the history of political thought, and international relations. His dissertation, which he is currently working to revise into a scholarly monograph, examined the themes of war and peace in the political philosophy of Francis Bacon. His translation and edition (co-edited with R.A. Berman) of "Land and Sea" won an award in the "Religion" category at the Independent Publisher Book Awards in 2016. Recent publications: Peer-reviewed journal articles S.G. Zeitlin, “Interpretation and Critique: Jacob Taubes, Julien Freund, and the Interpretation of Hobbes,” in Telos 181 (Winter 2017), pp. 9-39. S.G. Zeitlin, "Propaganda und Kritik: Eine Einführung in Land und Meer," in Politisches Denken Jahrbuch, vol. 27, pp. 115-143. Co-edited Books: R.A. Berman and S.G. Zeitlin eds.; S.G. Zeitlin trans. C. Schmitt, Land and Sea: A World-Historical Meditation (Candor, NY: Telos Press Publishing, 2015). http://www.telospress.com/store/#!/Land-and-Sea-A-World-Historical-Medi… R.A. Berman and S.G. Zeitlin eds.; S.G. Zeitlin trans. C. Schmitt, The Tyranny of Values and Other Texts (Candor, NY: Telos Press Publishing, 2018). http://www.telospress.com/store/#!/The-Tyranny-of-Values-and-Other-Text… Translated Book: S.G. Zeitlin, trans. C. Schmitt, Dialogues on Power and Space (A. Kalyvas and F. Finchelstein eds.) (Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2015). http://www.polity.co.uk/book.asp?ref=9780745688688 Other editions: “Leviathan as Mortal God: On the Contemporaneity of Thomas Hobbes” (edition and translation of J. Taubes, “Statt einer Einleitung: Leviathan als Sterblicher Gott, Zur Aktualität von Thomas Hobbes,”), Telos 181 (Winter 2017), pp. 48-64. “The Contemporaneity of Thomas Hobbes” (edition and translation of J. Freund, “Die Aktualität des Thomas Hobbes”), Telos 181 (Winter 2017), pp. 40-47.