Daniela Cammack
I'm an assistant professor of Political Science, affiliated in Classics. I was born in the UK to an English father and Chilean mother, grew up in Manchester, and have worked in Malaysia and China as well as the UK and US. Since receiving my Ph.D. from Harvard in 2013, I've held positions at Harvard (Junior Fellow in the Society of Fellows), Stanford (visiting research fellow) and Yale (visiting lecturer and assistant professor). In 2017, I gave birth to a wonderful daughter, and in 2019, joined UC Berkeley. I'm currently working on two books: one on ancient Greek democracy and another comparing ancient and modern democracy. For more information, including course syllabi and teaching evaluations, please visit danielacammack.com.
Teaching Note: Everyone is welcome in my classes and I try to nurture a warm and inclusive environment with lots of room for spontaneous questions and debate, so I can teach to and from the intellectual curiosity and openness of those present in the room at that moment. For me, it's easier to get into that zone when I don't teach from previously ordered slides or scripts (I do use visual aids such as maps, images, and passages from texts). I always provide historical context and offer my own interpretations of our texts and I make my lecture notes and notes on the texts available to students on the course website. But my main pedagogical hope is to model the kind of reflective, questioning, critical readership/studentship stance that I'd like my students to develop. What I love to do is promote in-class thought and discussion about our readings, typically through asking questions and being questioned about the reading that you'll have done in your own time. I've been told by some that this mode of teaching and learning is outside the norm for political science; by others, that it's not unusual at all. I mention it here just so everyone knows what to expect, in case it's a more aural/oral style of engagement than some are used to.
- Demos: How the People Ruled Athens (Princeton University Press, under contract)
A Short History of Democracy (Princeton University Press, under contract)
- "Mass Participation in the Polis." In the Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Political Thought, ed. Carol Atack (OUP, forthcoming).
- "Why Popular Participation? Collective Action, Majoritarianism and Solidarity in Ancient Greece." In Popular Participation Beyond Athens, ed. Thierry Oppeneer and Arjan Zuiderhoek (two volumes: Bloomsbury Press, forthcoming).
- "The Popular Courts in Athenian Democracy." Journal of Politics 84 (2022): 1997–2010.
- "Kratos and Other Forms of Power in the Two Constitutions of the Athenians." Polis 39 (2022): 466–497.
- “Representation in Ancient Greek Democracy." History of Political Thought 42: 567-601.
- “Deliberation in Ancient Greek Assemblies.” Classical Philology 115 (2020): 486-522. doi: 10.1086/709197.
- “Were the Ancient Greeks Epistemic Democrats?” In The Discovery of the Fact ed. Clifford Ando and William Sullivan (University of Michigan Press, 2020), 9-38.
- “Deliberation and Discussion in Classical Athens.” Journal of Political Philosophy. Online publication April 15, 2020. doi: 10.1111/jopp.12215.
- “The Dēmos in Dēmokratia.” Classical Quarterly 69 (2019): 42-61. Online publication September 20, 2019. doi: 10.1017/S0009838819000636.
- “Plato and Athenian Justice.” History of Political Thought 36 (2015): 611-42.
- “Aristotle’s Denial of Deliberation about Ends.” Polis 30 (2013): 228-50.
- “Aristotle on the Virtue of the Multitude.” Political Theory 41 (2013): 175-202. doi: 10.1177/0090591712470423.
- "Review of Edwin Carawan, Control of the Laws in the Ancient Democracy at Athens." Review of Politics 86 (2024).
- “Mini-publics and Mass Meetings. A Response to Hélène Landemore’s Open Democracy." Journal of Deliberative Democracy 18 (2022).
- “Liberal Ends, Democratic Means? A Response to Josiah Ober's Demopolis." Polis 36 (2019): 516-23. Online publication October 14, 2019. doi: 10.1163/20512996-12340248.
- “Democracy and Decay.” In Decadence and Decay ed. Kurt Almqvist and Mattias Hessérus (Stockholm: Bokförlaget Stolpe, 2019), 103-115.
- “Review of Democracy and Goodness: A Historicist Political Theory by John Wallach (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018).” Perspectives on Politics 18 (2020): 249-250. Online publication February 17, 2020. doi: 10.1017/S1537592719004791.
- “Aristotle, Athens and Beyond.” Review of Andrew Lintott, Aristotle’s Political Philosophy in its Historical Context: A new translation and commentary on Politics books 5 and 6 (London: Routledge, 2018). Classical Review 69 (2018): 63-65. doi: 10.1017/S0009840X18002275.